5 year olds and under
6-9 year olds (Primary)
10-16 year olds (Secondary)
5 year olds and under
6-9 year olds (Primary)
10-16 year olds (Secondary)
Whether it’s stability of buildings, production of minerals enabling us to build electric cars, fertilisers for food production or development of underground water supplies. Geologists may investigate structures by the use of seismic surveys, or mapping in the field, may supervise drilling operations or quantify geological resources.
To encourage children to consider careers in this science, the Geologists’ Association – an organisation that brings together professional and amateur geologists – exhibits at science festivals and also have their own Festival of Geology. Our exhibits include geological games, aimed at opening a dialog with children, interesting fossil and mineral specimens for discussion, geological maps, books and Guides. Two STEM activities we operate are Rockwatch a field and lecture based club for children, but operating to high standards and School Rocks!