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Here you will find all the information you need about the event and venue, whether you’re a STEM adventure seeking visitor, one of our brilliant exhibitors, keen to engage and inspire or one of our kind and helpful volunteers keen to join our team.

If you do have any question, please do get in touch!

For Visitors

The venue

The venue for the main day is ARU Peterborough. For details and directions, please see the venue page.

On the day

  • 10am til 11am – Quiet hour
  • 11am – Open to public
  • 4:30pm end

Important note

All children must be accompanied by an adult. It is forbidden to drop off children on their own for safeguarding and insurance issues.

Food and drink

Food and drinks will be available to buy from the concessions at the venue. Any bottles you bring in need to be plastic. No glass is allowed.

Car parking

Please see the venue page for details.

Filming, photography, and child safeguarding

There will be an official photographer on the day and photographs taken will be used for publicity purposes. When taking your own photos, please be aware of potential safeguarding issues, so always ask for permission first. If you intend to film or take photographs of the visitors, please make them aware that you are doing this. There may be some (under 16-year-olds) who do not have parental/carer/guardian consent for this and they may wish to remove themselves from the picture.

Red lanyards will be available to wear should you wish to opt out of photography and filming.

The event is open to all young people throughout the day. Some will be coming with their parents or guardians and some (over the age of 16 years) may be attending independently.

Health & safety

Security staff and qualified First Aid staff will be available on the site.

Toilets are available within the venue and are well-signed.

There will be festival team members present at the event. If there are any problems please approach the team in the first instance, we can usually be found at the reception area in the main atrium. Volunteers will also be available to help. Both the festival team and volunteers can be identified by their coloured branded T-shirts.

Please use the litter bins/bags which are provided on-site inside and outside.

Fire Safety

In all areas, fire alarms should be visible together with fire procedure notices. In the event of a fire follow instructions to the exit point and assemble at the evacuation points outside. Emergency lighting will be available where necessary. Please vacate the building in an orderly manner and await further instruction. The fire service will be called by a festival member or venue staff if required. Please ensure access is clear for emergency vehicles.

No one should not be allowed to return to the building until told to do so by an official festival member or fire service.

First Aid

First Aid staff will be available on-site all day to deal with first aid issues. First Aiders will be identifiable by their lanyards and the first aid station will be located on the reception desk on the ground floor. A medical room is available with access from the main entrance. All incidents should be reported to the festival team and will be recorded on an Incident Report Form.

If you require assistance please contact a First Aider, a member of the festival team, or a volunteer.


The venue will be open to the public. There is a potential for theft, so please do not leave your stand or personal belongings unattended at any time. Neither the venue nor festival organisers can be held responsible for the loss of commercial goods or personal possessions.

Report any suspicious activity to the festival team, security staff, or volunteers. The Police will be called if necessary.

Disability access

The venue is fully accessible for wheelchairs and disability scooters. Disabled toilets are well signed too.


NO SMOKING is allowed anywhere inside the building. If you wish to smoke please leave the building completely.


Alcohol is not permitted on site during the festival opening times.

General safety

The safety of our visitors and exhibitors at this event is very important to us. Please let us know immediately if you experience or notice something that compromises Health & Safety in order that we can rectify the situation swiftly.

The festival operates a code of conduct which everyone is expected to comply with.

For Exhibitors

The venue

The venue for the main day is ARU Peterborough. For details and directions, please see the venue page.

Exhibitors will be directed to your space upon arrival.

Preparation and set up of stands and displays

Access for set up may be available Friday evening 5pm til 7pm and/or Saturday morning at 8am.

Tables, if requested on the exhibitor form are standard 6ft x 2ft (or similar)  in size and a standard pitch will fit a table, 2 pop-up banners and 2 chairs unless previously requested on your booking form and agreed by the festival organisers.

On the day

  • Friday night setup is 5-7pm
  • 8am Saturday morning setup
  • 10am doors open for quiet hour
  • 11am doors open to public
  • 4:30pm close
  • 4pm-6pm pack up


Electricity points will be provided as previously booked on your form or agreed in advance. If you are bringing an extension cable please ensure that it is labelled with an up to date PAT test certificate. Cables not showing a current test must not to be used. Any electrical equipment not carrying a certificate will be disconnected.


Wi-Fi will be available across the site. Details will be available to exhibitors on the day.


Bottles of water will be provided throughout the day for exhibitors. Food and drinks will be available to buy from the concessions at the venue. Any bottles you bring in need to be plastic. No glass is allowed.

Car parking

An exhibitor-only parking area is available during the operating times of the event.

Filming, photography and child safeguarding

There will be an official photographer on the day and photographs taken will be used for publicity purposes. When taking your own photos, please be aware of potential safeguarding issues, so always ask for permission first. If you intend to film or take photographs of the visiting young people please make them aware that you are doing this. There may be some (under 16 year olds) who do not have parental/carer/guardian consent for this to happen and they may wish to remove themselves from the picture.

The event is open to all young people throughout the day. Some will be coming with their parents or guardians and some (over the age of 16 years) may be attending independently.

Health & safety

In order to meet Health & Safety requirements, it is assumed that all activities offered by exhibitors have been risk assessed, in relation to the target age group of the festival.

Security staff and qualified First Aid staff will be available on the site.

Ground-floor toilets are available within the venue and are well signed.

There will be festival team members present at the event. If there are any problems please approach the team in the first instance, we can usually be found at reception area in the main atrium. Volunteers will also be available to help. Both festival team and volunteers can be identified by their coloured branded T- shirts.

Please use the litter bins/bags which are provided on site inside and outside.

Fire Safety

In all areas fire alarms should be clearly visible together with fire procedure notices. In the event of a fire follow instructions to the exit point and assemble at the evacuation points outside. Emergency lighting will be available where necessary. Please vacate the building in an orderly manner and await further instruction. The fire service will be called by a festival member or venue staff if required. Please ensure access is clear for emergency vehicles.

No-one should not be allowed to return to building until told to do so by an official festival member or fire service.

First Aid

First Aid staff will be available on site all day to deal with first aid issues. First Aiders will be identifiable by their lanyards and the first aid station will be located on the reception desk on the ground floor. A medical room is available with access from the main entrance. All incidents should be reported to festival team and will be recorded on an Incident Report Form.

If you require assistance please contact a First Aider, a member of festival team or a volunteer.


The venue will be open to the public. There is a potential for theft, so please do not leave your stand or personal belongings unattended at any time. Neither the venue nor festival organisers can be held responsible for loss of commercial goods or personal possessions.

Report any suspicious activity to festival team, security staff or volunteers. The Police will be called if necessary.

Equipment brought on site

All electrical equipment should be PAT tested before being used on site. Please ensure that all trailing leads are clear of access areas and are clearly identifiable so that they do not cause a trip hazard. Please ensure that your stand maintains good housekeeping and exhibits do not obstruct walkways between the stands or exits to the hallways or rooms. Report any spillages inside the buildings to a festival team member or Volunteer immediately for cleaning.


NO SMOKING is allowed anywhere inside the building. If you wish to smoke please leave the building completely.


Alcohol is not permitted on site during the festival opening times.

General safety

The safety of our visitors and exhibitors at this event is very important to us. Please let us know immediately if you experience or notice something that compromises Health & Safety in order that we can rectify the situation swiftly.

The festival operates a code of conduct which everyone is expected to comply with.

For Volunteers

The venue

The venue for the main day is ARU Peterborough. For details and directions, please see the venue page.

On the day

On the application form you have the opportunity to select a time slot for your help. Once we have confirmed your slot, please arrive promptly and speak to the Volunteer Lead located at the reception desk in the main entrance area. You will then be given your free volunteer T-shirt and directed to your event location. The Volunteer Lead will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

  • 9am morning volunteers arrive
  • 10am doors open for quiet hour
  • 11am doors open for the public
  • 4:30pm close

Food and drink

Volunteers will have access to free water during their time slot helping out. Food and drinks will be available to buy from the concessions at the venue. Any bottles you bring in need to be plastic. No glass is allowed.

Car parking

Parking for volunteers is available at the side of the building. Please see the venue page for details.

Filming, photography and child safeguarding

There will be an official photographer on the day and photographs taken will be used for publicity purposes. When taking your own photos, please be aware of potential safeguarding issues, so always ask for permission first. If you intend to film or take photographs of the visitors, please make them aware that you are doing this. There may be some (under 16 year olds) who do not have parental/carer/guardian consent for this and they may wish to remove themselves from the picture.

The event is open to all young people throughout the day. Some will be coming with their parents or guardians and some (over the age of 16 years) may be attending independently.

Health & safety

Security staff and qualified First Aid staff will be available on the site.

Ground-floor toilets are available within the venue and are well signed.

There will be festival team members present at the event. If there are any problems please approach the team in the first instance, we can usually be found at reception area in the main atrium. Volunteers will also be available to help. Both festival team and volunteers can be identified by their coloured branded T- shirts.

Please use the litter bins/bags which are provided on site inside and outside.

Fire Safety

In all areas fire alarms should be clearly visible together with fire procedure notices. In the event of a fire follow instructions to the exit point and assemble at the evacuation points outside. Emergency lighting will be available where necessary. Please vacate the building in an orderly manner and await further instruction. The fire service will be called by a festival member or venue staff if required. Please ensure access is clear for emergency vehicles.

No-one should not be allowed to return to building until told to do so by an official festival member or fire service.

First Aid

First Aid staff will be available on site all day to deal with first aid issues. First Aiders will be identifiable by their lanyards and the first aid station will be located on the reception desk on the ground floor. A medical room is available with access from the main entrance. All incidents should be reported to festival team and will be recorded on an Incident Report Form.

If you require assistance please contact a First Aider, a member of festival team or a volunteer.


The venue will be open to the public. There is a potential for theft, so please do not leave your stand or personal belongings unattended at any time. Neither the venue nor festival organisers can be held responsible for loss of commercial goods or personal possessions.

Report any suspicious activity to festival team, security staff or volunteers. The Police will be called if necessary.

Disability access

The Festival is located on the ground floor of the venue which is fully accessible for wheelchairs and disability scooters. Disabled toilets are well signed too.


NO SMOKING is allowed anywhere inside the building. If you wish to smoke please leave the building completely.


Alcohol is not permitted on site during the festival opening times.

General safety

The safety of our visitors and exhibitors at this event is very important to us. Please let us know immediately if you experience or notice something that compromises Health & Safety in order that we can rectify the situation swiftly.

The festival operates a code of conduct which everyone is expected to comply with.