When Tia met Ada
In 2015 the seed for the Peterborough STEM Festival was sown when our founder, Tia Lush, was introduced to a 19th-century mathematician, writer and one of the worlds first computer programmers, Ada Lovelace.
After visiting the Ada Lovelace Day; an international event celebrating the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), Tia returned with newfound vigour and inspiration.
She decided to set up a local festival that personifies what the Finding Ada Network does in honouring Ada’s achievements and championing present-day women working in STEM careers and encouraging future female generations into these careers too.
Of course, we don’t exclude the boys, they just perhaps don’t need as much encouragement into these realms as the girls who may not even consider such career paths after school, so the Peterborough STEM Festival aims to help teachers and businesses encourage all, through a day jam-packed full of fun-based, hands-on learning activities and STEM talks from pioneering speakers, to gain some insight with our overall goal being to sow a seed in their own young minds to take interest in STEM careers that could lead them to the stars, literally.
Who said the sky is the limit?